Friday, December 27, 2019

Video May the Best Drone Win

Video May the Best Drone Win Video May the Best Drone Win Video May the Best Drone WinEighteen kollektivs of young engineers-in-training competed for the right to call themselves world champion drone builders at the 22nd annual ASME Student Design Competition (SDC) finals in Montreal.The international slate of teams including squads from universities in China, France, India, Peru, Turkey and across the United States designed and built original Unmanned Air Vehicles (Drones) and attempted to pilot them through a series of obstacles at the November 16 competition.The University of North Dakota team took first place with their massive 78.4 lbs steel-and-aluminum machine. Second place went to the squad from California Polytechnic State University. Third place was taken by the Airwolf, the drone flown by the Wolfpack team from North Carolina State University.Said Scott McDaniel of North Dakotas winning team We drove two full days to get here from North Dakota Im so glad we did The copy right of this program is owned by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Tips for Performance Improvement at Work

Tips for wertmiger zuwachs Improvement at WorkTips for Performance Improvement at WorkYou can significantly improve your wertmiger zuwachs at work by practicing these eight tips provided by Jason Womack, executive coach and author of the book, Your Best Just Got Better Work Smarter, Think Bigger, Make More (Wiley) (Compare Prices). Jason parteicipated in an emaille interview which is so full of useful ideas that they overflowed into a series of articles. See part 2 6 Tips for Productivity Improvement. Interview With Jason Womack About How to Improve Performance Susan Heathfield So many productivity and wertmiger zuwachs improvement systems seem to be time-consuming, unwieldy, and difficult to integrate into daily work life. Im looking for simple tips that my readers might actually do, that would help them improve their performance as quickly as they try out the idea. These are the kind of tips that make a reader shake his or her head with wonder that they never thought of somethi ng that simple, but helpful, themselves. Then, voila The new tip is integrated. Can you help? Jason Womack Susan, you and I are going to get along. Love the way you think. The first problem when you deal with how to improve performance is that people have mislabeled the problem. They emphatically state the fact that they dont have time. So, by default, you are right. The systems are what take time to learn about, set up, maintain and enhance. Right? Do a search in the iTunes app store for productivity and list managers and youll come up with many competing systems .99 cents will get you an app that promises to you name it. The real distribution policy to start, and what your readers can begin thinking about right away, is not the system, but the process they go through in identifying why they need to be productive and work on their performance in the first place. Heres what I recommend. Out of the gate, make three lists - not one, not 15 - just three. Things to think about some more ,Things youre managing over the next 3-9 months (these come from what youre thinking about), andThings to do in the next 96 hours (these come from what youre managing). Things to think about some more Moving through a 24 hour period, most people will identify something that they want to think about again, later.Someone talks about a vacation they just took and you think, Hmmm, I should talk about our summer vacation with my spouse.Someone mentions a seminar/conference that they attended, and you think, Next quarter, I need to look into attending a trade conference. Someone on the subway has a book theyre reading, and that makes you think you get the point. So, keep some kind of things to think about inventory. At any given time, I might have 15-20 things on this list, and I just look at it weekly to make sure that Im still into those things. Be careful not to load this list up. Its not a bucket list of things to do sometime in your life. Things youre managing over the next 3-9 month s 90 240 days is a long way away, but, it will be here before you know it. The easiest way to approach this list is to take out your calendar and look at the next 12 to 36 Fridays. Ask yourself, What do I want to have done by then? I work with people around the world and they say that this one activity is one of the most important things Ive recommended. Update the list monthly review it weekly. I like to remind my clients, You are your productivity brand. What you take on, and what you accomplish, creates your brand identity. Share this plan with your mentor, if you have one. Youll want your mentor to see what you think you should be working on so he can question, assist and challenge your productivity plans regularly. Things to do in the next 96 hours This is where the rubber hits the road - where things get done, for real. 96 hours is about as much as most people can future forecast. You can just about know what the next four days have in store for you who you have meetings with , what youll be doing out there in the big world, and so forth. My own to do list is just that, and, I work as hard as possible to get the actions Ive listed there down to 15 minute blocks of activity. Why 15 minutes? Easy Its long enough to actually make progress on something yet short enough to find during a typical day. Trust me, if you look for them, youll notice 2-10 15 minute blocks of time open in each day. Heathfield What are the three - five biggest opportunities for the average employee to improve performance on a daily basis? Womack Ok, interesting question. The very title of the book, Your Best Just Got Better tends to attract the higher performers, the recently promoted, and the go getters of the world (executives, volunteers, community members, college and high school students, pretty much anyone who is going for more). So, when I see that word average, I have to step back and think a bit more. Pick your three MITs for the day. These are your Most Important Things - no t to-dos, but the areas you want to have focused on, moved on, and addressed head on during the day. While some clients pick their MITs the morning of, I suggest that you do this today, before you leave work. Leave this list where can see it multiple times during the day, and check in about every 2 hours and ask, How am I doing on what I said Id focus on today?Create a process-oriented approach to work flow management. The process I coach is to build vorkaufsrechts into the work day. The more you know, the more options you have. When you remember the option to continue down one path that had your attention or re-focus on your one, two or three priorities and get the important work done, you may make that choice. Maximize interruptions Yes, you read that right. Most people try to minimize how many times they are interrupted. They say yes to meetings, make up fake meetings, take a stack of work (or their laptop) to a conference room or coffee shop, turn on their Do Not Disturb message on their phone or an Out Of Office on email - all in the hopes that they will get a few longer blocks of uninterrupted time to get their work done. Instead of continuing to do that, consider maximizing that next interruption.Heres how Keep a stack of sticky notes or 3X5 note cards nearby. On the top of each one, write down a persons name who you know will interrupt you sometime today. Next time the person comes over to ask, Do you have a minute? say yes, and also talk about the few things youve come up with that are on your list for them. Resist the urge to interrupt them when you think of something. Simply add it to the list.Imagine the time youd save if people would do this for you. Imagine the time you would save if everyone interrupted each other two-four fewer times per hour, and maximized each interruption by talking at once about the two or four things that they thought of over the past little while. Acknowledge the good work Whos doing something good? Who is doing something great? Starting tomorrow, and once a day for the next five days, stop and acknowledge someone on your team. Let the employee know very explicitly what you saw them do, how you think it is helping move the mission forward, and that you appreciate the effort they are making.Over five days, experiment with this and stay aware of your own engagement in/with what you do. If you notice that youre more engaged, keep doing this. It will improve your performance and the performance of the employees who report to you. More About Thank You and Recognition Top 10 Ways to Show Appreciation to Employees40 Ways to Say Thank You at Work20 Ways to Tell Your Employees That You CareMarket yourself for a new mentor Your teachers, coaches, mentors what I call your social network in the book have encouraged, pushed, and asked you to improve as far as you have gotten. To get to that next level, you may not want to count on the same group of mentors as before. Let a few, specific people know that youre looking for a new mentor.You would like someone to meet with just a few times for coffee/tea or for lunch. Get away from the office, and sit down with someone who will listen intently to what youre working on, where youre going, and what you dream about without interjecting an opinion or, even, advice.You want a mentor who will listen, ask you questions, listen more, and ask you to think about things in ways that you have not yet thought of. The good thing about your current social network is that youre comfortable thinking with them, and they are comfortable with what you do and how you do it. But, thats the unfortunate thing about your current social network, too. More About Mentoring Top 15 Characteristics of a Successful MentorBuild a Mentoring CultureHeres another tip about email that readers can implement right away When you email a coworker asking for something, put a verb in the subject line of the email. Most of the people you work around get anywhere from 50-200 emails a day. You want yours to be the email that they see on their SmartPhone or in their inbox and know exactly what youre asking them to do. Think of your subject line as your action line instead and see your response rate soar. You can implement these eight tips to improve your performance and productivity at work today. Why are you waiting? You have nothing but success and less stress in your future if you accomplish more - and more effectively - every day. More About Improving Your Performance Achieve Your Dreams 6 Steps to Accomplish Your Goals and ResolutionsCreate Your Personal Vision StatementYour Image Is YouTake Responsibility for Your Life

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Why Bowling Is a Good Team Building Exercise

Why Bowling Is a Good Team Building ExerciseWhy Bowling Is a Good Team Building ExerciseIts good to develop your own gruppe building exercises whenever possible. No outside consulting company knows your people or your company culture as well as you do. You can do a variety of exercises or play a variety of sports as gruppe builders. Some people are concerned about using sports for ?team building, but I have built successful exercises around bowling, even for non-bowlers. Bowling As a Team Sport Although bowling is usually seen on television as an individual sport, it is more common for bowling to be enjoyed as a team sport. Most bowling alleys have league competitions for teams every night of the week and leagues for children on the weekend. While individual bowlers compare their scores against other individuals, bowling teams simply add their scores together and compare that against the other teams cumulative score. It is easy to build on that team aspect of bowling to use it as a team building exercise for your organization. Building the Teams The people you assign to a team will have to work together during the event to succeed. That determines how you assign them. For instance, if the Finance department was to have a bowling-based team building exercise, they would have to decide whether to make the teams along the functional lines (an Accounts Payable team, an Accounts Receivable team, a General Accounting team, etc.) to strengthen teamwork within those groups or to make the teams from members of the different functional groups to build teamwork within the department as a whole. Try to balance the teams. If you have a few good bowlers, make sure you distribute them among the teams. Make sure you balance athletes versus non-athletes across the teams as well. The people with bowling experience or athletic skill will need to help their teammates. Thats what team building is all about the people with a particular skill helping their team when it needs that skill. Getting Ready First, select a location. Pick a bowling alley that is conveniently close to the office or in a location that everyone can easily find. Most bowling alleys of any size have some sort of food tafelgeschirr and in some, its quite good. Many bowling alleys have become non-smoking establishments recently to attract more of the family traffic. Some have a specific person on staff whose job is to help coordinate parties and events like team building. If you dont know an appropriate bowling alley, ask around. They bowlers in the organization can recommend a place or two and then you can check them out. Bowling requires special shoes that allow the bowler to slide when throwing the ball and that wont scratch the wood floors of the bowling alleys. Bowling alleys rent those shoes and they are usually included in the prices they quote for team building events. Your bowlers may have their own bowling balls, but the bowling alley will have a selection for the othe r participants to use. Bowling balls vary in weight from about 10 pounds to a maximum of 16 pounds. Bowlers should plektrum a ball thats weight is easily controlled. It is not necessary to pick the heaviest ball. Again, the experienced bowlers can help the novices. Make sure the ball you select will slide easily off your fingers when thrownbut is not so loose as to fall off on your backswing. Different Bowling Games for Team Building Most bowling alleys now have automatic scoring systems that keep track of each bowlers score and totals. The easiest team building event would be to have each team bowl three games and add up their scores for each player for all three games. You can easily vary that by adding different styles of games. For example, in game 1, everyone bowls normally in game 2, they switch to their opposite hand - righties bowl left-handed and lefties bowl righty in game 3, pins knocked down only count if they exceed the frame number. The automatic scorers will tot al the first two games for you, but youll need someone on each team to keep track of scores in game 3. Reinforce Team Building with Awards Decide ahead of time what awards to hand out at the conclusion of the event. Identical prizes should be given to all team members of the team with the highest score and of the second and third place teams. You may want to award a few individual prizes for thehighest score in each game. Humorous awards like most improved, worst bowler, lowest score, can lighten the mood as well as give you a way to include more non-bowlers in the prizes. The Bottom Line A bowling-based team building exercise can work for your people. It provides positive reinforcement of teamwork and lets them build interpersonal relationships that can help on the job.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Mixed Practice Veterinarian Career Profile

Mixed Practice Veterinarian Career ProfileMixed Practice Veterinarian Career ProfileAnimals are becoming an increasingly important part of our everyday lives. Roughly 68% of American households own at least one pet, according to the National Pet Owners Survey of 2017-2018. And in 2017, pet owners spent more than $69.5 billion alone, with healthcare ranking as one of the highest expenses. This trend is expected to continue. Thats why demand for veterinarians is expected to increase as well for both companion animals and livestock. Mixed practice veterinarians are practitioners that specialize in health management of both large and small animals. Heres a look at the duties, career options, educational requirements, salary and job outlook for a mixed practice vet. Duties Mixed practice veterinarians are licensed animal health professionals who are trained to diagnose and treat illnesses affecting a variety of species. Most mixed practice veterinarians offer veterinary services for s ome combination of large animals - cattle, horses and other livestock - and small animals such as dogs, cats and other pets. Mixed practice vets may either operate out of a clinic or travel to visit their patients on farms using a customized truck containing the necessary medical equipment. The usual duties for a mixed practice vet include conducting general wellness exams, giving vaccinations, drawing blood, prescribing medications, performing surgeries, suturing wounds, cleaning teeth, performing spay and neuter operations, and supervising veterinary technicians. Other duties may include monitoring the reproductive health of breeding stock, performing artificial inseminations, assisting with problem births, conducting pre-purchase exams, taking radiographs and performing ultrasounds. Mixed practice veterinarians may work both day and evening hours, and they usually must be on call for emergencies that arise on weekends and holidays. The work can be physically demanding when trea ting large animals, as vets must be capable of restraining sizeable (and potentially agitated) animals. They also must be careful to avoid bites and scratches while working with small animals. All vets must take adequate safety precautions while treating their patients. Career Options According to surveys conducted by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the majority of all veterinarians work in private practice. According to a recent AVMA employment survey, there were 117,735 practicing U.S. veterinarians by the end of 2017, with 71,393 of that number engaged in private practice. The vast majority of practitioners work on small animals. Mixed practice vets make up less than 6% of the total number of practicing veterinarians. Education and Training All veterinarians, regardless of specific area of interest, must graduate with a general Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree. The DVM program is a comprehensive course of study covering all aspects of small a nimal and large animal healthcare. There are currently 30 colleges of veterinary medicine in the United States that offer a DVM degree. Students may also attend schools with American Veterinary Medical Association accreditation overseas. unterstellung schools and their programs have been thoroughly reviewed by an external panel of practitioners and academics. Accredited colleges can be found in Canada, Australia, Europe and the Caribbean. Non-accredited schools may also be an option for students who are looking to study elsewhere. However, after graduation, they must take equivalency exams and complete clinical studies in the United States in order to become licensed. Upon fulfilling any and all educational or training requirements, all vets must pass the North American Veterinary Licensing Exam (NAVLE) to become licensed to practice. Approximately 3,000 veterinarians graduate, complete the licensing exam and enter the veterinary field each year. Salary The median wage for all v eterinarians was $90,420according to data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Earnings varied from less than $53,980 for the lowest ten percent of all veterinary practitioners to more than $159,320 for the top ten percent of all veterinary practitioners. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the median professional income for mixed practice veterinarians (before taxes) was $88,000. Equine-exclusive veterinarians shared the same median professional income of $88,000. Food animal and companion animal veterinarians earned a slightly higher median professional income of $100,000. In terms of average starting salary right out of veterinary school, mixed practice veterinarians began their careers with a first-year mean salary of $63,526. New equine vets had the lowest first-year salary at $47,806, while food animal exclusive vets had the highest first-year salary at $76,740. AVMA studies also indicate mixed practice veterinarians earn higher salaries in small and medium-sized cities and towns. The best salaries for mixed practice vets are found in cities with populations between 50,000 and 500,000 - mixed practice vets in these areas earned a mean salary of $115,358. Towns with less than 2,500 citizens reported the next highest salary for mixed practice vets, with a mean salary of $100,190. Cities with more than 500,000 citizens reported the lowest mean salaries for mixed practice vets ($90,889). In areas where the population is 500,000 or greater, it is wise to go companion animal exclusive (mean salary $143,736). Job Outlook According to the latest data from the BLS, the veterinary profession is projected to expand at a much faster rate than the average rate for all professions - nearly 19% over the decade from 2016 to 2026. The number of people spending more on their pets - including healthcare - is expected to drive employment in the veterinary services industry. Due to the fact that a majority of vets choose to go into small animal exclusive practice (over 42,000 currently employed in this type of work), there should be a continued need for mixed practice veterinarians in the marketplace, especially in small or mid-sized cities and towns.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Argument About Resume Building

The Argument About Resume Building What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume Building Before Youre Left Behind Chronological resumes are perfect in case you have experience in the area and a couple of years of uninterrupted employment or whether youre a recent college grad. Internships can also produce a great impression on the employer. Sure, they may be daunting. There it is an excellent internship. Resume Building - the Story If the business is unable to supply you with the leading experts from the business, then its better for you to switch. It aims to serve the clients needs as their own. Many businesses have come forward to understand the demand of the job seekers. More than a few companies prefer whether the record doesnt reflect too many job changes. Be concise and relevant in offering the crucial details the employers want to find. Also search for the relevant job timings they are offering. Many employers take into consideration your extracurricular pursuits. Certain employers seek for an individual whos the buddy of a trustworthy employee of his company, therefore its far better to be recommended by one of the dependable employee of the organization. If it comes to locating top-notch manufacturing jobs and construction jobs that provide high pay and superior advantages, you cant fail with using a third-party resume building service. If youre looking for employment in a quick growing field there isnt any denying the power and potenzial of manufacturing jobs. If youre known by influential men and women in a market, it may have a good positive effect on the employer. Nowadays, the international recruitment sector is increasing at a faster pace. Therefore, if youre a fresh graduate or an experienced professional, if youve taken a break from your career for some great reason, if youre feeling stagnated in your present job, if youre trying to find a career shift (to another industry type), then go for an expert Resume supplier. When t rying to find a job, you need all of the help youre able to get. The demand of the hour, whilst job seeking, is to have the ability to reach out to top companies, standing a better opportunity to find the best job. There are lots of ways to look for the ideal job in foreign nations. 1 final tip, however many companies you might have gone too, if youre not sure and unhappy with the results, make sure you switch. If youre in need of a job you should devote yourself to finding one. If you are extremely much confident, it is a fantastic notion to an outsiders help. If luck is with you, you wont need to undergo the exact same disappointment as the other hundreds of job seekers who thought something similar. The Good, the Bad and Resume Building Remembering the three above mentioned elements, finding the proper company shouldnt be a hassle. Developing a proper resume is the initial step towards finding work. It is essential that you include keywords having to do with the job tha t you are applying for to receive your resume found and passed onto the next level. The important thing is to make certain that the resume stands out among the other resumes posted online. The Free Resume Builder helps prepare resumes even when you dont possess the slightest idea on how best to do so employing a seven step approach. Online resume builder grows mora affordable and rather effective choice for creating the resume. Several formats and designs to select from, Resume Now-Resume builder is the ideal location to earn job winning resumes.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Meet The Team At Stash

Meet The Team At Stash Below is a post originally written by PowerToFly Partner Stash, and published on January 17, 2019. Go to Stashs page on PowerToFly to see their open positions and learn mora.Three years ago, we built the tools to help our users grow their savings. Today, that investment has spurred the growth of our team and platform. Meet the team helping Stash grow in our latest Built in NYC feature https//*BuiltinNYC is a paid partner of Stash. One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a st udy conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of kofferverstrker welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

8 Ways to Boost Your Finance Functions Innovation Quotient

8 Ways to Boost Your Finance Functions Innovation Quotient8 Ways to Boost Your Finance Functions Innovation QuotientIs innovation a strength of your employees? If it is, youre part of a select group of companies, recent research suggests.In the Robert Half Management Resources survey, 31 percent of chief financial officers said they consider their staff members very innovative. Most CFOs felt their staff are generally adept in this area but also noted room for improvement.Following are eight tips to foster a creative work environment and ensure innovation is a strength of your team.1. Build an idea-friendly culture.Make innovation a staple of your corporate culture, starting with the hiring process. When staff members at all levels feel empowered and actively participate in solving the companys challenges, they have an emotional stake in the firms success and tend to be more creative.The survey results also suggest firms recognize this need and are taking a number of steps to foster innovation. For example, the majority of CFOs said their companies provide their employees additional training and offer rewards for successful new ideas.2. Break down bureaucratic barriers.In a previous Robert Half survey, nearly one in four CFOs cited too much bureaucracy as the greatest obstacle to innovation at their organization. Look for ways to streamline processes. In addition to slowing down the creative process, red tape can demoralize staff and inhibit the flow of new ideas.3. Make sure finance has a voice and the organization listens.Your accounting and finance staff enjoy a unique perspective. Make sure theyre able to use it to contribute across the organization. For example, accounting and finance professionals can use their business analytics skills to spot organizational inefficiencies and identify new areas for growth.(Research) from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) finds that management accountants , led by the CFO, play a vital and growing role in driving advancements at some of the worlds most innovative companies, noted CGMA Magazine. In those businesses, the CFO and finance team are deeply embedded in the process of innovation and have a clear framework to let new ideas take shape.4. Brainstorm constructively.When discussing new ideas, let them flow at breakneck speeds. The time to critique and then perfect them will come later. Ask staff to build on colleagues ideas not tear them down and ensure collaboration rules over competition.5. Encourage breaks.When employees are consistently overworked, there likely will be more uh-oh than a-ha moments. Make sure staff arent so buried in their to-do lists they dont have time for creative thinking.6. Set the right example.Your team will take their cue from you, so make sure youre regularly proposing fresh ideas. Monitor current business and industry trends and best practices, and share your findings with staff.Dont be afraid to m ix things up, and give personnel the freedom to do the same. Listen to music, watch a funny video, talk to people from other parts of the company anything to break you out of your routine and provide a fresh outlook on issues affecting your department and firm.7. Tap an outside perspective.For an infusion of new ideas, consider engaging an external expert. Consultantsoffer independent opinions without being hindered by internal politics or having to do something a certain way because thats how its always been done.Companies also benefit from the wisdom these professionals have cultivated through success and in different environments. Consultants, said Paul McDonald, senior executive director of Robert Half, can be engaged to bring specialized skill sets and insights shaped by best practices learned from diverse experiences, companies and industries.8. Say thank you.Letting people know you appreciate their work will both motivate them and reinforce the type of creative thinking you expect from staff members. Note the fruits of employee suggestions. Even thoughtful proposals that couldnt be implemented or were transformed along the way should be praised.What steps do you take to keep your companys innovation engine running?Related postFinance with Foresight 5 Ways CFOs Can Provide More Effective Strategic GuidancePhoto credit Idea, by Joey Gannon, some rights reserved

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Get a Job as a Nurse

How to Get a Job as a NurseHow to Get a Job as a NurseInterested in becoming a nurse? Heres infassonation on nursing education and experience requirements, where to find job listings, and tips for acing an einstellungsgesprch. Types of Nurses There are many different types of nurses, but most fall into the categories of LPN, RN, or NP. Licensed Practitioner Nurses(LPNs), in some states called Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs), do basic patient care under the supervision of doctors or mora highly trained nurses. They can enter the field simply by taking a short training program and passing a test. Some find that an associate degree provides mora career flexibility for the same certification. While the certification itself is national, state requirements for practice vary, so make sure your training program is approved by the state where you wish to work. Nurse Practitioners (NPs) can do much of the work doctors normally do, though state law varies. To become an NP, first become an RN, then complete a graduate program, a required number of clinical hours, and an additional test. Additional, more focused training may also be required. Some NPs earn doctorates, especially if they want to get into administrative work. Registered Nurses(RNs) have more responsibility and make more money than LPNs. To become an RN, complete an associate or bachelors degree program, and complete a national test. Some states may require additional steps for state licensure. Periodic re-testing is also required. A masters degree opens up further career options. Requirements for Registered Nurses Registered nurses must complete coursework in nursing, anatomy, physiology, psychology, biology, microbiology, and chemistry as part of a bachelors degree, associates degree, or hospital-based diploma program. In order to be licensed, registered nurses must pass the National Council Licensure Examination after completing a state-approved academic program. Registered nurses must have suffic ient scientific aptitude to master the required science coursework and learn the medical concepts which form the foundation of nursing. They need to have the capacity to remember scientific, pharmaceutical, and medical terminology. Registered nurses need to have a caring and empathic nature to connect with patients and provide the support critical to their recovery. They must be able to do so while maintaining sufficient emotional distance to avoid internalizing patient problems. Patience is required to deal with patients who react to their illness with strong emotions or need to have information repeated many times. Registered nurses must have strong communications skills to convey complex information in simple terms to patients and to interact effectively with other hospital staff. Problem-solving and critical thinking skills are needed to interpret emerging information about the health status of patients. Registered nurses must be well organized and detail-oriented to keep track of multiple patients. In order to gain admission to nursing programs, you will need to demonstrate that you are comfortable interacting with sick or injured people. Volunteer at a local hospital or nursing home while you are in high school, if possible. Working as a paramedic or getting certified as a nurses aide are other ways for you to gain clinical experience. How to Get a Job as a Nurse Heres a nursing career overview. Also review a list ofnursing skillsfor resumes, cover letters, and job applications. Tap specialized nursing job sites. The easiest way to find sites with job listings for nurses is to search Google for nurse job sites. Also, search job sites which have listings from many different online sources like and using keywords such nurse, RN, and Registered Nurse, and the location where you would like to work to generate more job leads. Ask your college career office about Nursing Career Days at your school or in the surrounding area and p lan to attend if possible. Inquire about alumni contacts in nursing and healthcare. Contact these individuals for advice and perspective on your job search and career. These informational interviews can often lead to referrals for jobs. Contact former employers, clinical supervisors, faculty, family, and friends to get other referrals for informational consultations. Join Nursing Associations and attend conferences and workshops to meet with other nursing professionals. Volunteer to help organize meetings to gain even greater exposure to fellow members. Ask faculty for recommendations about the best organizations. If you are looking for temporary or per diem positions, consider using a staffing agency like If youve been out of the workforce for a while, here are tips for how to return to nursing after a career break. Interviewing for a Nursing Job Nursing candidates must prove to interviewers that they have the right set of clinical skills and personal qualitie s to handle demanding nursing positions. Be prepared to reference a list of your clinical skills and provide examples of situations where you applied those skills. You will be asked about challenges you have met and problems which you have solved in patient care contexts. Be ready to share specific patient scenarios where you intervened with difficult cases and individuals to help generate positive outcomes. Nurses must be effective team members and get along with challenging personalities. Be prepared to share examples of how you have dealt with difficult colleagues. In addition, you will need to convince employers that you are aware of your weaknesses and are prepared to take steps to improve your performance. An effective approach can be to mention historical weaknesses and steps you have taken to address those areas. Practice responding to typical nursing interview questions with faculty, advisors, family, friends, or career officestaff. Job Interview Follow Up Send a thank you letter immediately after your interview and convey your high level of interest in the job, why that position and healthcare organization are an excellent fit, and your gratitude for the opportunity. Address any issues about your candidacy which may have surfaced in the interview in a positive manner, if possible. Salary Information Registered Nurse Licensed Practical Nurse Nurse Practitioner Nursing Assistant Medical Assistant

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Beat the Heat Cool Summer Jobs

Beat the Heat Cool Summer JobsBeat the Heat Cool Summer JobsTourists and vacationers flock to sunny beaches, crowded theme parks and shaded mountain cabins in the summer for much-needed rest and relaxation. These holiday-goers have spent months making their travel plans, picking the most relaxing or exciting destination. As vacationers pack their bags and prepare for their trips, job seekers and adventurers could take a cue from them and plan their summer jobs.Nationwide the most in-demand summer jobs are in retail, customer service and food service. Using Mashables Top 10 US Summer Travel Destinations for 2014 as a guide, Simply Hired has pinpointed the most in-demand and unique summer jobs in some of Americans favorite travel destinations.1.Tour Guide in Key West, FLEach summer tourists flock to the island of Key West for the Spanish history, Cuban food, Naval Air Station, freely roaming chickens and to lounge on beautiful beaches. With so many sites, becoming a tour guide is a fun way to experience the charming schauplatz while making a salary. This kind of job works well for someone with an outgoing personality who enjoys meeting new people. According to Simply Hireds Salary Estimator, the average tour guides salary in Key West is $37,000.2.Nanny in San Diego, CADo you like children? Are you looking for a flexible summer job that will give you the opportunity to enjoy plenty of free time in a beautiful setting? With beaches and sunny weather, San Diego could be the ideal place to become a nanny. With children-friendly destinations like baseball stadium Petco Park, SeaWorld, the San Diego Zoo and LEGOLAND, it will never be difficult to entertain your charges. According to Simply Hireds Salary Estimator, the average nanny salary in San Diego is $30,000.3.Product Promoter in San Francisco, CAFor personable people who are comfortable selling and marketing products, becoming a product promoter can be a great summer job. Responsible for setting up displays, demon strating or explaining products and services, as well as providing product samples, product promoters are experts in customer service. Become a chocolate promoter in Ghirardelli Square and walk Fishermans Wharf after a shift. According to Simply Hireds Salary Estimator, the average product promoter in San Francisco makes $56,000.4.Teller in Virginia Beach, VABank tellers are an in-demand role across the country, especially in vacation destinations. Responsible for receiving and distributing money, people who excel in this position have a good grasp of basic math, the English language, clerical skills and customer service. Consider becoming a bank teller during the summer months in Virginia Beach to afford the citys 11 beautiful golf courses, the boardwalk and gorgeous Atlantic Ocean beaches. The average teller salary in Virginia Beach is $32,000.5.Parking Lot Attendant in Orlando, FLInterested in visiting The Theme Park Capital of the World? Its expensive to sample all of the amazin g theme parks in the area including Disney World, Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, City Walk, SeaWorld, Gatorland and Wet n Wild Water Park. With over 51 mio tourists a year visiting the city, the theme parks, hotels, restaurants and other destinations are always in vital need of parking lot attendants. Its a good way to earn some summer cash, just make sure that your driving record is spotless. The average parking lot attendant in Orlando earns $14,000, but that doesnt include tips.6.Merchandise Displayers in Ocean City, MDFamous for its Ocean City Boardwalk and shopping district, an easy way to enjoy the summer sunshine and fresh seaside air in Ocean City is to become a merchandise displayer. Merchandise displayers and window trimmers are responsible for helping retail stores display their goods for sale. During vacation months, small businesses strive to increase their profits by drawing in curious tourists to their storefronts. According to Simply Hireds Salary Estimator , the average window trimmer in Ocean City earns $23,000.7.Food Preparation and Serving Destin, FAKnown as The Worlds Luckiest Fishing Village, each summer Destin is overrun with tourists happy to relax on its famous white sand beaches. According to Simply Hireds data, the most in-demand roles in Destin during the summer are in food preparation (Its important to keep those tourists fed during Destins annual Seafood Festival.) According to Simply Hireds Salary Estimator, food preparers in Destin can earn $21,000.8.Training and Development Specialists in New York City, NYIn financial and cultural hub New York, tourists flock to attend Broadway shows, see the lights of Time Square and explore the history of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. However, regular city dwellers generally evacuate the city during the summer months to escape the heat and humidity, leaving tourists to roam the streets. To enjoy the best of both worlds try becoming an in-demand training specialist who speci alizes in providing on-the-job training to help workers maintain or improve job skills. On average, training development specialists in New York earn $76,000.9.Nonfarm Animal Caretaker in Las Vegas, NVSin City is known for its raucous parties, scorching summer days and vivid nightlife. However, did you know that animal caretakers are in demand? From becoming a cat sitter, dog walker or maybe caring for the MGM lions, there is a great opportunity to combine a love of animals and Las Vegas into a fun summer job. The average animal caretaker in Las Vegas earns $27,000.10. Hotel, Motel and Resort Desk Clerk in Myrtle Beach, SCManmade island Myrtle Beach is one of the United States top tourist destinations. With its humid subtropical climate, the city enjoys year-round sunshine and vacationers revel in its boardwalk and The Carolina Opry. With this large volume of tourists each summer, hotels desperately need a steady influx of candidates for hotel desk clerks. Perfect for customer servi ce professionals, hotel desk clerks earn on average $28,000 in Myrtle Beach.As you start making your travel plans for next summer, keep in mind the fun jobs that you can get in those locations to help fund your trip. Have you had an interesting summer job in an exotic location? Comment below and tell us about it.